Our circular vocation goes beyond the fundamental aspects of environmental protection to embrace the entire cycle of industrial processes. We are guided by the desire to continuously and integrally apply all the parameters of the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) model.
In addition to producing porcelain stoneware for outdoor flooring that give new life to inert materials, otherwise destined for landfills with extremely high disposal costs, we are involved on a daily basis in the search for zero-impact production solutions and technologies, while also contributing to stopping the business of waste and avoiding the extraction of natural stones from the mountains.
The last step will be the forthcoming activation of 3 biodigesters, thanks to which we will be able to fully complete ourcircular philosophy, by converting production waste into renewable energy, biological materials to be reintroduced into the biosphere and technical products to be reintegrated into industrial processes.
Strengthened by these values and results, we can count on an offer that is perfectly in line with the parameters of the Green Public Procurement, increasingly applied in tendering procedures for the award of public works and architectural interventions within the public administration.

Corporate social responsibility is one of the cornerstones which our operations are based on.
By implementing the principles of the circular economy, we pursue a production policy that is maximally respectful of the environment and opposed to any form of consuption or, even worse, waste of resources.
The same principles have enabled us to participate in relaunching areas severely affected by the crisis, safeguarding hundreds of jobs and creating new, stable and quality employment.

Moreover, we have adopted a scrupulous and proactive approach in complying with the regulations for the protection and enhancement of workers and, more generally, in the unwavering conviction that only through the utmost attention and consideration towards all our players, and the territories in which we operate, it is possible to achieve results capable of growing and lasting over time.